Accelerating community-led change.

Entrepreneurship & Financial Literacy Programme

We’re empowering youth and women with the right resources for economic mobility and community-led change.

Founded in 2021 in response to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Entrepreneurship & Financial Literacy Programme (EFLP) creates the opportunity for youth, high school graduates, and women to gain knowledge, skills, resources and long-term coaching about starting a new small business or enhancing a current business, financial literacy and planning skills, and entrepreneurial mindset development.

The Entrepreneurship & Financial Literacy Team have undergone the Street Business School Train-the-Trainer Immersion Workshop.

Women’s Business Training

Each Training is four-months long with 30 women in each cohort. Modules focus on business opportunity identification, finding capital and starting small, record keeping and bookkeeping, market research, business planning, growing a customer base, and money management. 

The Women’s Business Training has been thoughtfully designed to train women participants in the knowledge and resources needed to grow a business and to achieve financial sustainability. All trainings are conducted in the local language, and are flexible for a range of literacy levels.

Youth Entrepreneurship Programme

We are invested in ensuring that children and youth have access to entrepreneurship and financial literacy information and resources that are beneficial for them to develop an entrepreneurial and financial savvy mindset capable of designing sustainable economic solutions for their communities.

Through a partnership with Junior Achievement Zambia, our young learners enjoy a financial literacy program called Cha-Ching Money Program that exposes them to basic financial information like saving and investing funds.

Our young women and men attend a programme called The Company Program where they learn about running a business , making profit and investment.

Entrepreneurship High School Graduate Workshop

In 2022, we piloted a week-long intensive workshop designed specifically for our secondary school graduates.

They learned the practical skills needed to become entrepreneurs and open small businesses including the motivations for becoming entrepreneurs, market and customer analysis, business concept brainstorming, business design development, budgeting and forecasting, and customer relations.