Healthy bodies. Healthy minds.

Nutrition & Food Security Programme

We are serving over 300+ meals per day.

Nutrition Programme

In January 2008, the Amos Youth Centre began serving daily meals to its most vulnerable girls and boys. Originally known as "The Breakfast Club", our Nutrition Programme quickly grew. Currently, over 300 girls, boys, young women and men are provided a meal each day of the school week.

Since the girls, boys, young women and young men have had access to these meals, their attendance at school has increased and their performance improved. This programme proves that a dollar goes such a long way as it supplements so many aspects of the youths' lives. 

Some participants in our Nutrition Programme are HIV-positive and take daily antiretroviral drugs, the medication for the treatment of HIV/AIDS. This drug is known to be extremely tough on the body without proper food and nutrition. 

Community Garden Project

A dream of creating a more sustainable feeding programme for the girls and boys at our Learning & Leadership Center grew into the Community Garden Project. A number of gardens are growing in the local community -- all cared for by the youth -- that not only support the Nutrition Programme, but teach the girls and boys about gardening and healthy nutrition.  Now we see this project being nurtured through intentional partnerships with our friends at Solidaridad Southern Africa who have provided lessons on how to manage the gardens including how to identify soil, grow vegetables and fruits, and how to manage and control pests.