Our goals.

Strategic planning for our growth and sustainability.

By 2029, we plan to complete the Learning & Leadership Centre Model by:

Building the new home for the Learning & Leadership Centre. The new Learning & Leadership Centre will be a first-of-a-kind educational resource in Zambia. It will include innovative learning spaces like a STEM lab, digital library, innovation and entrepreneurship hub, and art classroom. It will be accessible and incorporate special education learning spaces.

Refining our programs and operations, while building the sustainability of the organization. We will diversify the centre’s revenue portfolio by decreasing donor dependency and increasing local support. This includes bolstering our income generating Volunteer Program and creating an aquaponics social enterprise to increase financial self-sustainability.

The Learning & Leadership Center to be self-sufficient and thriving. 1,500 children, youth and women will take advantage of programs 3-5 times per week.

In addition, we will have ten hubs/outreach posts across Kafue, reaching 500 youth each, mainly targeting rural areas.

By 2034, we plan to create 500,000 meaningful experiences for children, youth and women each year: