The Lessons In Between

Julie-Anne Savarit-Cosenza is one of the co-founders and the Executive Director of the African Education Program. She is a recognized community leader by the M. Night Shyamalan Foundation and a 2021 Gratitude Network Fellow.

Today, she shares insight on lessons learned over the past 15 years since AEP opened its flagship learning and leadership center in Kafue, Zambia.

It’s so hard to believe that the African Education Program (AEP) opened its flagship learning and leadership center in Kafue, Zambia, 15 years ago.

AEP celebrates through a montage of memories from alumni, current young leaders, team members, and volunteers.

The impact that AEP has had on hundreds of lives is unquestionable. But I would be lying to you if I said that this journey has been easy. Mistakes have been made. And so many lessons have been learned.

When you watch our “15 Years in Photos” video, you’ll see that one of my first lessons learned as AEP’s Executive Director is that it takes a lot of sweat and tears to manage a non-profit for so many years.

When you reach the end of this blog post, you’ll find out my #1 Lesson Learned which is also featured in the video. Below is my list of “lessons in between.” The lessons learned over the years that I plan to explore in depth with you over the coming months through blog posts to come.


Managing a non-profit takes a lot of sweat and tears.


Community buy-in is critical.


Real impact happens through strong local leadership and ownership.


Dreams do come true.


Follow your gut.


You will fail and you will make mistakes. Learn from these experiences.


Be curious and listen.


Take time to value each and every win, no matter how small it may be.


Being vulnerable takes courage, open your heart.


Delegation is your best friend.


Leadership feels lonely, it doesn’t have to be.


Focus on financial sustainability early on.


Don’t forget to take time for yourself and have fun.


The kids in the program are the real leaders who will create change beyond our wildest imagination.


It’s all worth it!


Happy Thanksgiving!


A Walk into AEP's Homes