Auntie Karen hits the ground running in Kafue

What an interesting time.  Since the last group of AEP volunteers have left, my walks to the Centre have been quieter.  I think some of the locals are starting to get used to seeing me walking along the road too. In the beginning every few seconds there would be either a honk or a yell to let you know their taxi or bus is available. I'm getting into a routine in the morning and settling into my new home with my roommates.  It's actually pretty cool being in a house with guys around while I make this new transition.

In the morning I walk to the Centre. It's funny to think about that while in America I had to make time to exercise and here my exercise is a part of my day.  It's about a 3-mile walk to the Centre.  Part of the walk is on a busy road with lots of trucks, cars and taxis speeding by.  Then I take the shortcut off a dirt road and wind around over train tracks and continue on the dirt roads from Kafue into Shikoswe where the Centre is. Sometimes I forget that I'm the outsider.

The other morning I was passing the local school, crossing the empty football field to the first cement house on the corner where there

were seven children playing.  One looked up and you can hear a gasp and then six other heads turn and stare: "Oh, that's right I'm not in Pennsylvania!" I just giggled to myself.

As I arrive closer to the Centre the people are friendlier.  They greet you and say good morning and smile.  The children are the best. They love to ask, "How are you?" and then laugh and wave.  They might even ask you several times.  Now that I have been spending more time at the Centre the children know my name and I am greeted with, "Hi Auntie Karen."

My walk home is a little more entertaining.  One of our sponsored students lives at the house where I am and he walks home with me.  We talk about all sorts of things

and it makes the long walk home more enjoyable.

There is another volunteer that has been here since our last trip in April.  Enzo Tran.

Enzo has been teaching the children juggling and how to walk on a tight rope.  Theylove it and they adore him.  Enzo has taking time to hike a lot of the mountains that surround Kafue and Shikoswe.  So far I've been able to go on two with him and some of the children at the boarding house.  The views are amazing.  This weekend we are planning a day hike with the kids.

Now that it's September the days are getting hotter and buggier, but the nights are still cool. Soon the rainy season will be here...

Signing off for now!


We’re back!


“Deep English”