Letters Blog.

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Who are our partners?

As an organization, our partnerships are an asset to our programs and the impact they have on our students and community. AEP engages in three kinds of partnerships: partnerships with individuals, communities, and organizations. 

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Julie-Anne Julie-Anne

Who inspires us?

Leadership Development is one of the core activities of our annual Life-Skills and Leadership Camp. Students had a chance to share and discuss inspirational leadership quotes by leaders from around the world. To change things up, we thought it would be fun to have different AEP voices share the leadership quotes that inspire them.

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Fifteen Years Old at Age, but Young and Impassioned at Heart

Marie-Odile Savarit, longtime AEP Board Member and Volunteer, more commonly known as Momma Mario, said, “If you ask me the difference between AEP 10 years ago and now, I would say we went from a small mom and pop store to a big supermarket, but in the same time, AEP in its spirit remained the same.” The program has developed and evolved significantly over the years, and it shows in the numbers. Fred Kamanya, Manager of Academic Activities for AEP, reviewed the growth that the Scholarship Program, Nutrition Program, activities, and clubs have experienced. 

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Volunteer Voices

If you choose to spend your own time volunteering, it is so important to find something you are passionate about. This was clearly the case for Alexandre; working with the AEP was a complex and emotional experience. When asked what he learned from his trip in Zambia, Alexandre responded, “It’s going to take a lot of time for me to know about what I learned there. It was very intense and very moving. I still need time to see what this experience brought me. “

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