Letters Blog.

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Zambia’s Ongoing Drought: The Role of Climate Change in Food Security

The breathtaking cascades of Victoria Falls, one of the seven natural wonders of the world, are arguably Zambia’s largest tourist attraction. The Kalolo-Lozi people call this natural border between Zambia and Zimbabwe “Mosi-oa-Tunya,” or “The Smoke that Thunders.” More recently, however, a devastating drought has slowed the flow of water to a trickle.

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Healthy Students, Body and Soul

In January 2008, the African Education Program (AEP)’s educational resource center began the Nutrition Program by providing daily meals to its most vulnerable students.  Here at AEP, we believe that students cannot learn on an empty stomach. After the implementation of the program, student attendance and performance in school both improved.

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Who are our partners?

As an organization, our partnerships are an asset to our programs and the impact they have on our students and community. AEP engages in three kinds of partnerships: partnerships with individuals, communities, and organizations. 

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Fifteen Years Old at Age, but Young and Impassioned at Heart

Marie-Odile Savarit, longtime AEP Board Member and Volunteer, more commonly known as Momma Mario, said, “If you ask me the difference between AEP 10 years ago and now, I would say we went from a small mom and pop store to a big supermarket, but in the same time, AEP in its spirit remained the same.” The program has developed and evolved significantly over the years, and it shows in the numbers. Fred Kamanya, Manager of Academic Activities for AEP, reviewed the growth that the Scholarship Program, Nutrition Program, activities, and clubs have experienced. 

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