Letters Blog.

annabel mumba annabel mumba

A Walk into AEP's Homes

September is an exciting time for the entire AEP family. Every team member in Zambia participates in home visits where they get a chance to go out into the community to interview new and returning Scholarship Program applicants for the upcoming 2022 academic year.

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annabel mumba annabel mumba

The Youth Decide

Zambia’s presidential election this year was one anticipated show. We witnessed the biggest turnout of voters in the history of the country as people both young and old took part in exercising their civic right and duty in choosing the country’s leader.

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annabel mumba annabel mumba

Storytelling Through Data: Measuring AEP's Impact in Kafue

The African Education Program (AEP) continues its quest to make their operations in Zambia as transparent and accountable as possible – by providing a clear cut picture – regarding where, why and how every dollar is spent and whether it’s contributing to positive and measurable change in the lives of our girls and boys, their families and in our community.

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annabel mumba annabel mumba

AEP Launches Entrepreneurship & Financial Literacy Program with Parent Training

When AEP realized that there was an opportunity to come alongside and support our families and our community as they experienced hardships during the Covid-19 pandemic, we knew we could increase the ripple effect of empowering our girls and boys to bring an end to poverty by educating and empowering their families too.

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