Letters Blog.

annabel mumba annabel mumba

With Enough Food I Can Stay Home

Annabel Mumba is AEP’s Donor Relations Coordinator in Zambia. She is a Scholarship Fund recipient, high school graduate, and one of our latest Success Stories. Today, she provides a first person account of how 278 families received food for three weeks just in time before a COVID-19 lockdown started on April 15th, 2020 in Kafue, Zambia.


It all started with a single phone call to each of the 278 families in our program.

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annabel mumba annabel mumba

Happy Anniversary Read for Rose!

Read for Rose is a center made for children with special needs that opened its doors on March 21st, 2019. It is a twin center from the Amos Youth Center which is located in the heart of Kafue, Kafue Town.

I visited the center to find out more information on the impact that it has brought to the people and the children after the one year that it has been in existence. I interviewed Febby Choombe who is a teacher at the center and manages running the place with the assistance of Annie Nyambe, an AEP high school graduate who helps in teaching the students.

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Zambia’s Ongoing Drought: The Role of Climate Change in Food Security

The breathtaking cascades of Victoria Falls, one of the seven natural wonders of the world, are arguably Zambia’s largest tourist attraction. The Kalolo-Lozi people call this natural border between Zambia and Zimbabwe “Mosi-oa-Tunya,” or “The Smoke that Thunders.” More recently, however, a devastating drought has slowed the flow of water to a trickle.

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Healthy Students, Body and Soul

In January 2008, the African Education Program (AEP)’s educational resource center began the Nutrition Program by providing daily meals to its most vulnerable students.  Here at AEP, we believe that students cannot learn on an empty stomach. After the implementation of the program, student attendance and performance in school both improved.

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